Francis De Véricourt
- Auteur
Francis de Véricourt is Professor of Management Science at the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) in Berlin. His current research explores how machine learning affects the way individuals frame their decisions and give rise to incentive problems.
He has lived and worked in France, USA, Germany and Singapore. He has given talks at Yale University, Wharton School of Business, London Business School, Cambridge University, Tsinghua University, Singapore National University and many others, and has been the recipient of multiple teaching awards.
He has lived and worked in France, USA, Germany and Singapore. He has given talks at Yale University, Wharton School of Business, London Business School, Cambridge University, Tsinghua University, Singapore National University and many others, and has been the recipient of multiple teaching awards.
Francis de Véricourt is Professor of Management Science at the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) in Berlin. His current research explores how machine learning affects the way individuals frame their decisions and give rise to incentive problems.
He has lived and worked in France, USA, Germany and Singapore. He has given talks at Yale University, Wharton School of Business, London Business School, Cambridge University, Tsinghua University, Singapore National University and many others, and has been the recipient of multiple teaching awards.
He has lived and worked in France, USA, Germany and Singapore. He has given talks at Yale University, Wharton School of Business, London Business School, Cambridge University, Tsinghua University, Singapore National University and many others, and has been the recipient of multiple teaching awards.
Geschreven door Francis De Véricourt
Kenneth Cukier
Viktor Mayer-Schönberger
Francis De Véricourt
Bij de succesverhalen op het gebied van kunstmatige intelligentie is altijd een menselijke hand nodig. Deze framer is nodig om de computer de goede kant uit te sturen.
Interviews en artikelen (2)
Uit de boeken - Handvatten voor duurzaam ondernemen
| 22 september 2022
De klimaatcrisis raakt ons allemaal en gaat ons ook allemaal aan. In 2050 moeten EU-landen klimaatneutraal zijn. Deze Uit de boeken gaat over boeken waarmee we een stap, en soms meerdere stappen verder gaan. Boeken over hoe bedrijven klimaatactief kunnen worden met duurzaam ondernemen. Geëxperimenteerd wordt er al volop. Er zijn belangrijke kennisbronnen en ervaringsverhalen.