Dave Thomas
- Auteur
Dave Thomas, as one of the authors of the Agile Manifesto, understands agility. As the author of Programming Ruby, he understands Ruby. And, as an active Rails developer, he knows Rails.
Dave Thomas, as one of the authors of the Agile Manifesto, understands agility. As the author of Programming Ruby, he understands Ruby. And, as an active Rails developer, he knows Rails.
Boeken van Dave Thomas
Noel Rappin
Dave Thomas
Programming Ruby 3.2
Ruby is one of the most important programming languages in use for web development. It powers the Rails framework, which is the backing of some of the most important sites on the web.
Sam Ruby
David Copeland
Dave Thomas
Agile Web Development with Rails 6
Learn Rails the way the Rails core team recommends it, along with the tens of thousands of developers who have used this broad, far-reaching tutorial and reference.
Sam Ruby
Dave Thomas
David Heinemeier Hansson
Agile Web Development with Rails 4
'Agile Web Development with Rails 4' bevat informatie over de taal Ruby 2 en verder over Active Record, Action Dispatch, Action
Controller, Action View, caching, migrations en meer. Meer
Controller, Action View, caching, migrations en meer. Meer
Dave Thomas
Chad Fowler
Andy Hunt
Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0
De derde editie van 'Programming Ruby' bevat in het eerste deel een introductie in Ruby en de belangrijkste classes en libraries. Het tweede deel beschrijft de Ruby omgeving, het packagen, documenteren en distribueren van code en hoe u kunt werken met encoding.