Adam Smith (1723-1790) was een Schotse econoom en moraalfilosoof ten tijde van de verlichting.
Meer over Adam SmithThe Wealth of Nations
Paperback Engels 2020 1e druk 9780593310878Samenvatting
The first–and still the most eloquent–expression of the economic theories of capitalism.
Published in 1776, in the same year as the Declaration of Independence, The Wealth of Nations has had a similarly significant impact on the course of modern history. Adam Smith’s celebrated defense of free market economies was written with such expressive power and clarity that the first edition sold out in six months.
While its most remarkable and enduring innovation was to see the whole of economic life as a unified system, it is notable also as one of the Enlightenment’s most eloquent testaments to the sanctity of the individual in his relation to the state. This edition contains in one volume the most influential first four books of Smith’s masterwork.
'Adam Smith’s enormous authority resides, in the end, in the same property that we discover in Marx: not in any ideology, but in an effort to see to the bottom of things.' - Robert L. Heilbroner
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