expert grafisch faciliteren, auteur van bestsellers zoals 'Visuele meetings'
Meer over David SibbetVisual Teams
Graphic Tools for Commitment, Innovation, and High Performance
Paperback Engels 2011 9781118077436Samenvatting
Graphic tools and visual solutions for team building and development
Visual Teams uses visual tools and methods to help teams both face–to–face and virtual reach high performance in today′s work environment. As teams become more and more global and distributed, visualization provides an important channel of communication one that opens up the group′s mind to improving work systems and processes by understanding relationships, interconnections, and big picture contexts.
Visual Teams shares best practices and uses visualization as a power tool for process improvement by providing teams with a common language for high performance. The book:
-Explores how any kind of team can draw on the principles and practices of creative design teams in the software, architectural, engineering, and information design professions
-Introduces the Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance Model and related tools a system used throughout companies such as Nike, Genentech, Becton Dickinson, Chevron, and others
Visual Teams presents a comprehensive framework, best practices, and unique visual tools for becoming an innovative, high–performance team.
Imagining Better Results for Teams xi
I. What Is a Visual Team?
Using Graphics Across the Whole Workflow 1
1. Working Like Designers / Why Visual Teams Get Results 3
2. Why Be a Visual Team? / The Case for Collaboration 15
3. A Graphic User Interface for Teams / The Drexler/ Sibbet Team Performance Model 29
II. Leading Visual Teams
Seeing the BIG Picture 55
4. So You′ve Just Been Promoted / Understanding Team Leadership 57
5. Managing Four Flows of Activity / Attention, Energy, Information, & Operations 73
6. Supporting Innovation / Providing Visual Tools 83
III. Visual Team Startup
Creating Trust, Focus, & Commitment 93
7. Visualizing Purpose / Orienting to Your Mission 95
8. Seeing Yourself As a Team / Developing Trust 107
9. Clarifying Goals / Using the Graphic Gameplan 117
10. Consensus or Command? / Deciding Commitments 131
IV. Sustaining Results
Innovating for High Performance 149
11. Graphics & Project Management / Implementation You Can Literally See 151
12. Visualizing & Innovating / Understanding High Performance 159
13. Assessments, Dialogues, & Sharing Rallies / The Importance of Learning & Renewal 171
V. Growing a Visual Team Culture
Thinking BIG About Opportunities 183
14. Introducing Visual Teams / Communicating Benefits 185
15. Developing Visual Team Skills / Learning Tips & Tools 193
16. Shared Visual Language / Toward an Operating System for Visual Teams 201
VI. New Technology Tools
A Revolution in Visual Collaboration 219
17. Visual Tools Come of Age / Experiencing High Performance at the Institute for the Future 221
18. Graphics for Distributed Teams / Web & Teleconferences 231
19. Team Rooms & the Net / Physical Places or Virtual Spaces? 241
20. Mobile Technology / Reshaping Tomorrow′s Teams 249
VII. Links, Tools, & Other Resources 263
21. Websites & Bibliography 265
Appendix 273
Jack R. Gibb′s Original Research 273
Summary of Arthur M. Young′s Theory of Process 274
Index 277
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan