Erik de Haan is van oorsprong fysicus en deed al psychofysisch onderzoek voor zijn PhD in 1994. Erik de Haan leidt het Ashridge Centre for Coaching aan de Hult International Business School in het Verenigd Koninkrijk en is tevens hoogleraar Organisatieontwikkeling aan de Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam.
Meer over Erik de HaanCoaching Relationships: The Relational Coaching Field Book
Paperback Engels 2012 1e druk 9781907471285Samenvatting
Veel boeken over coaching hebben een sterke focus op de coach in plaats van op de klant. 'Coaching Relationships' is anders. Het plaatst relaties centraal binnen de coachingactiviteiten.
Part 1: Introducing Relational Coaching in Practice
1. Bill Critchley - Relational coaching: dancing on the edge
2. Andrew Day - Working with unconscious relational process in coaching
3. Rob Watling - Learning and re-learning: putting relationships at the centre of executive coaching
Part 2: Radical Perspectives on Relational Coaching
4. Kathleen King - The challenge of mutuality
5. Billy Desmond - Spirituality in the coaching relationship
6. Max Visser - Learning in executive coaching relationships: a behavioural systems perspective
Part 3:Contracting and Monitoring the Coaching Relationship
7. Charlotte Sills - The coaching contract: a mutual commitment
8. David Skinner - Outside forces in the coaching room: how to work with multiparty contracts
9. Michael Carroll and Robert Moore - The supervisory relationship in executive coaching
Part 4: Inquiring into the Coaching Relationship
10. John Nuttall - Relational modalities in executive coaching
11. Simon Cavicchia - Shame in the coaching relationship: reflections on individual and organisational vulnerability
12. Jane Cox - Do we understand each other? An inquiry into the coaching relationship when working in different languages
Part 5: Quantitative Research into the Coaching Relationship
13. Erik de Haan and Anna Duckworth - The coaching relationship and other 'common factors' in executive coaching outcome
14. Jeffrey Jackson, Lisa Boyce and Laura Neal- eHarmony, match. com, plentyoffish: have you considered matching to support your client-coach relationships?
15. Louis Baron and Lucie Morin - The working alliance in executive coaching: its impact on outcomes and how coaches can influence it
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