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How to Thrive in a World of Too Much

Paperback Engels 2015 1e druk 9780349401201
Voormalig top 100Totaal 30 dagen
Verkooppositie 3360Hoogste positie: 20
Verwachte levertijd ongeveer 2 werkdagen


It's difficult to ask anybody 'How are you?' without hearing the word 'busy' somewhere in their response. We feel overwhelmed by busyness because of the demands on our time: our inbox and our to-do list are bulging, a huge amount of people expect things from us and our organisations are trying to do more with fewer people. But it doesn't have to be that way.

In reality, busyness isn't essential. Yes, there is a lot to do, but believing you're always busy because you have so much to do is both false and unhelpful. Busyness is a normal response to a world of too much, but it isn't the only response.

In Busy Tony Crabbe draws on solid psychological research to address one of the great problems of modern life: we're too busy. But it isn't a time-management book. Rather than providing advice for increasing productivity and efficiency, it sets out four key strategies (corresponding to sections of the book) for thriving despite of the overload of too much: 1.

Mastery - to move beyond busyness you need to regain a sense of mastery over your life. This section shows you how to build a sense of control back into your life, take responsibility for making choices and how to set boundaries to protect you from the flood of demands and information. 2.

Focus - in a world of too much, success is not about doing more at work but about making an impact. This section outlines three ways to move to a career strategy that doesn't rely on productivity alone. 3.

Engagement - busyness can cause you to disengage from the people, values and activities that are important to us. This section provides you with the three keys to re-engaging with your work and life. 4.

Momentum - part of the challenge to moving beyond busyness is that even if you agree you should make the change, you're too busy to find the time and energy to do anything about it. This section is dedicated to helping you make the change, creating the impetus, energy and clarity to move to a life less busy.


Aantal pagina's:320


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Over Tony Crabbe

Tony Crabbe is (bedrijfs) psycholoog en werkt als consultant voor onder meer Microsoft en Disney. Hij is verbonden aan de Universiteit van Londen en woont met zijn vrouw en drie kinderen in Spanje. Hij schreef dit boek omdat het te druk kreeg in zijn eigen leven. Als consultant werkt hij voor onder meer Disney en Microsoft.

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