Ir. Paul de Ruijter werkt sinds 1992 fulltime als uitvoerder en begeleider van scenario- en strategieprojecten.
Meer over Paul de RuijterScenario Based Strategy
Gebonden Engels 2014 1e druk 9781472437174Samenvatting
We need strategy. The world is changing, the future uncertain. What is required is vision: What might the future bring? Where is our business going? What are our fundamental business values? This book is a manual for all those who want to apply strategy in organisations. It is intended for everyone who wants to put the future on the agenda, to look beyond the short term and beyond mere profit. It describes in practical terms the eight questions we must continually discuss in order to pursue a future-proof strategy in a dynamic and uncertain world: mission, trends, scenarios, options, vision, roadmap, action and monitoring.
If you are dissatisfied with an approach to strategy based on simple backward looking analysis, management controls and problems solving after the fact, but would like to make a positive contribution to thinking about the future, Scenario-based Strategy offers the instruments to turn your intention into practice. The text provides examples from commercial to government and trade organizations; showing how others have undertaken future explorations and how they used these explorations to create a dynamic strategy.
Paul de Ruijter has a deep insight into the theory, alongside practical experience working with some of the most highly regarded and resilient organizations. The result is a rich combination of methodology and practical, engaging examples that shows you how to go about creating an agenda for the future.
-Mission: what is the reason for the organization’s existence and what is the key to its success?
-Trends: what is happening around us?
-Scenarios: in which situations could we end up?
-Options: is our current course future-proof and, if not, what can we do to make it so?
-Vision: where do we want to go, who do we want to be?
-Roadmap: how do we get there?
-Action: from talking to acting
-Monitoring: to stay on course
Epilogue: welcome
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan